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Managing PCOS Hair Growth: How Laser Hair Removal Can Help You Gain Control

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal condition that can cause a variety of symptoms, from menstrual abnormalities to acne to weight gain. Another common condition caused by PCOS is hirsutism, or excessive, male-pattern hair growth due to elevated androgen levels. These elevated hormones can stimulate hair growth in areas like the face, chest, and back.
Excess, unwanted hair can impact your daily comfort, routine and confidence, making this symptom especially disruptive for many women living with PCOS. At NOVALUNE Laser, we offer compassionate and effective laser hair removal, a tried-and-true solution for reducing the hair growth caused by PCOS.
What Is PCOS & Who Is Impacted?
PCOS is the result of an imbalance that occurs when your ovaries create too many androgens (male hormones), which can spark irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, and missed periods. Other symptoms include obesity/weight gain, acne/skin issues, thinning hair (on the head), and the growth of unwanted hair on the face, arms, chest, and/or abdomen. The lack of ovulation may also cause the appearance of small follicle cysts on your ovaries, although this doesn’t always happen.
An estimated 8-13% of women of reproductive age struggle with PCOS, and up to 70% of women remain undiagnosed worldwide. PCOS can occur any time after puberty, but women are most often diagnosed during their 20s or 30s when they encounter issues trying to get pregnant.
Hormonal Causes of PCOS Body & Facial Hair
The excessive hair growth that commonly accompanies PCOS is caused by hormonal imbalances in the ovaries and adrenals. Although everyone produces androgens (such as testosterone), elevated levels in women can trigger the growth of thick, dark hair in areas more typical for male-pattern hair growth, such as the face, chest, abdomen, and back.
This unwanted hair growth can feel challenging to manage. At NOVALUNE, our team recognizes the overwhelming impact of these hormonal shifts and is dedicated to supporting clients through targeted laser hair removal treatments. Our inclusive approach to laser treatment for PCOS prioritizes your comfort while providing a reliable way for you to address excess hair.
Laser Hair Removal: A PCOS Solution
Laser hair removal is a safe and targeted way to manage unwanted hair growth in those living with PCOS. The treatment works by focusing light on hair follicles, reducing their growth over time with minimal effect on the surrounding skin.
Since PCOS-related hair growth can be persistent, women with PCOS will typically require more laser hair removal sessions than the average person. We want to emphasize that this doesn’t mean the laser hair removal treatments aren’t working; rather, because individuals with PCOS have more hair overall, more sessions are required to get you to a comfortable place.
NOVALUNE’s PCOS laser hair removal services in Denver offer compassionate care in an inclusive environment. Now, effective laser hair removal for PCOS symptoms is accessible and affordable for anyone seeking a reliable and lasting solution.
Advantages of Laser Hair Removal for PCOS Facial & Body Hair
Do you struggle with the symptoms of PCOS? Laser hair removal can offer several key benefits, including a long-term reduction in hair growth. Unlike temporary methods, such as shaving and waxing, laser hair removal targets the root of the problem – the hair follicle. This leads to gradual but lasting results, which can be especially helpful for managing excess body and facial hair linked to PCOS.
Start gaining control over your unwanted PCOS symptoms today with a FREE laser hair removal consultation at NOVALUNE Laser. We provide PCOS laser hair removal for the face, body, legs, and anywhere else you might be experiencing excess hair growth.
Why Choose NOVALUNE for PCOS Hair Management
Clients beginning their laser hair removal journey with NOVALUNE can expect a thoughtful and supportive process from consultation to post-treatment care. During the initial consultation, our team will assess individual hair growth patterns associated with PCOS and create a treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Following each session, we provide our clients with customized aftercare instructions to promote comfort and skin health. Most clients will require 8-15 sessions before seeing their desired results, and those dealing with PCOS-related hair growth will likely be on the upper end of this range. We also encourage regular maintenance treatments, as PCOS causes new hair follicles to develop and grow over time.
Are you ready to explore this hair removal solution? Schedule a consultation at NOVALUNE in Denver and take the first step toward regaining control of your unwanted hair. We combine expert guidance with a commitment to individualized care, and will do everything we can to make sure you’re supported along the way.
Seeking Medical Support: A Note about Excess Androgen
We do want to note that while laser hair removal can effectively reduce excess hair growth caused by PCOS, it is not a cure for the underlying hormonal condition. If you are struggling with PCOS-related symptoms, we highly recommend seeking the support of a medical professional who can help you balance and regulate your hormones (if you haven’t already!).
Struggling with unwanted hair growth, but not sure if you have PCOS? Get started with a blood test to measure your DHEA and testosterone levels. And whenever you are ready to start tackling that unwanted hair, NOVALUNE Laser is here to help!